Technical Questions for Engine Cadets

Here are a few questions for your reference:

What are the subjects and topics you are confident about?

What kind of practical experiments have you done in Control Engineering Lab?

What is PID? Explain its working and purpose.

Where have you used PID or have seen it being used?

What are the different types of Motor?

Differentiate Synchronous and Asynchronous.

Tell me everything you know about Alternator.

What are the different machineries used on-board?

Tell me the difference between 4-Stroke and 2-Stroke Engine.

What are the different kinds of emergencies on-board?

What should you do if there’s an emergency?

Tell me about Boiler mountings.

What is a Freshwater generator and also tell me about the working principle?

Tell me about the annexes of MARPOL.

Few situations based questions on Modular(STCW) courses.

What is a Sewage treatment plant and regulations

Tell me about IMO amendments for sulfur emissions

What is an Incinerator?

Tell me the working of Purifiers.

What are the different types of Valves and their uses?

Tell me about any Electrical motor.

What are the different types of Pumps and where are they used?

Tell me everything you know about Marine Engine

What is Oily water separator?

Tell me about Faradays Law.

What is resonance?

How does salt concentration affect the melting point of water?

You are boiling water at two locations, one at a lower altitude and the other at higher. Which one will boil first and why?

Tell me about Lead Acid Batteries.

What practicals have you done till date?

What is a screw jack?

Do you know the operation of Lathe?

What is SOLAS?

What all have you overhauled in college or somewhere else?

Tell me something about welding. (Study about the topic- ‘Welding”)

Draw the PV diagram of an air compressor.

Questions related to intercooler and aftercooler.

Draw the PV diagram of the otto cycle

What is lubrication?

What are the types of lubrication?

Give examples of each type.

Why can’t you use Hydro-static lubrication for gears? Why is Elasto-hydrodynamic necessary?

What is the use of bursting disc and fusible plug?

What do you observe when a piston is taken out for overhauling?

Difference between a centrifugal pump and a screw pump?

Difference between constructional features of RD and RA engines of Sulzer?

Constructional difference between RND and MAN-B&W engines in terms of scavenging, arrangement?

How is scavenging done in SULZER RND? What are the special features?

How is a turbocharger lubricated?

What is a total blackout and what are the different backup systems?

What are the additives of cylinder lube oil?

Sketch and draw bilge baler of lines?

What is MARPOL 73/78? What are the contents of Annex 6?

What is the ratio of power for ahead and astern drive?

Why 85% CO2 has to be discharged in the first 2 minutes in an E/R flooding system? Why 2 minutes, not any other time?

What is a protected zone?

Who are the engineer officers manning the different watches and what are the different timings?

What are the different engineering duties of a 5th engineer?

What is the device to prevent oil pollution on board a ship? What is an OWS and how does it work?

What is a freshwater generator? Explain the working principle and precaution in the case of FW additives.

What are the various structural and functional differences between a 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine? How can you distinguish from outside?

How will you treat a chemical burn?

What is the purpose of a connecting rod?

Differentiate between film lubrication and boundary lubrication?

Describe the function of an OWS and bilge-ballast pipeline, freshwater generator, purifier.

What are the different types of pumps?

What is the difference between a purifier and a clarifier?

On bringing near to leaking Freon refrigerant, the color of a halide torch changes to?

What is the blowdown pressure of a safety V/V?

What function is achieved in a car carburetor?

What is the function of steam?

What is knurling? Why is it used?

What type of motor is generally used onboard a ship?

Steam is passing down a pipeline at 7 bar and is leaking. What is the condition of the steam?

If 2 phases of 3 phase motor are interchanged, what will happen to the motor?

Just by seeing, how will you diff. between the inlet and exhaust V/V of a 4-stroke engine?

Describe the function and components of an IG plant?

Difference between relief V/V and safety V/V?

Basic different features of Sulzer RND and MAN-B&W engines?

What is tappet? Why is it provided?

If you want to discharge water in the moon, which pump will be used?

There is a 6 cylinder, 1200 rpm,4 stroke engine. How many power strokes will be there per cylinder per unit time?

What is the basic difference between impulse and reaction turbines?

What will you carry when you go to E/R from your cabin?

What are the different annexes in MARPOL? What annexes are being implemented?

What are the two new restricted areas included nowadays?

Tell me about the Types of scavenging.

If your fuel V/V has a problem what will you do?

What are the safety devices in air compressors?

If purging V/V of fuel V/V is leaking, what will you do?

If the direction of rotation of a compressor is changed, will it work or not?

Under which rule chemical tanker is guided?

What are the categories of chemicals?

What is CPR?

What is the quantity of Power supplied by the Emergency generator?

What is the cause of human negligence on ship so far as safety is concerned?

What will you do in case of oil spillage

How will you tackle e/m condition?

What are the life-saving appliances kept onboard?

What type of air compressor and stage are mostly used onboard?

What is the function of the master start V/V of a 2 stroke engine?

What is the function of “dampening” in a purifier?

What are the precautions to be taken during the total flooding of CO2?

What is the lift of needle V/V in the fuel valve?

Types of fuel pump needed in a marine diesel engine.

Type of portable extinguisher we will use for oil fire.

Safety precaution you will take while welding.

Types of exhaust V/V used on different types of 2 stroke engine

What is the Main function of exhaust V/V?

Inspection to be carried out while overhauling the piston of a 2 stroke engine.

Overhauling of exhaust V/V of a 2 stroke engine(steps).

Why 4 stroke bottom end bearing bolts are prone to fail in service?

How will you assess the proper combustion in the boiler without seeing the smoke color?

What is the bottom end bearing clearance in a 2 stroke engine?

What are the piston ring clearances?

What is the function of a compression shim?

What is the function of the X-head in a 2 stroke diesel engine?

What is the full form of B&W?

What are the differences between SULZER and MITSUBISHI engines?

What is the general difference between a “tanker” and other types of ships?

What is the requirement of an emergency fire pump?

How the propeller provides thrust to move the vessel?

Types of baffler.

What are the duty hours of MEO on board?

What are the regulations of MARPOL in the case of tanker and cargo vessels?

Can you explain the working of your model?

What was your role in the making of this model?

How did you go about the automation of this model?

Do you know anything about the inert gas system?

Can you sketch and describe the IGS?

Difference between a crude carrier and a product carrier?

Operation of various portable fire extinguishers.

Location of E/M generator.

S&D bilge, ballast, and fire line.

Bilge discharge regulations and MARPOL.

Operation of the oily water separator.

What is tappet clearance and how do you measure it

How do you start the engine?

What is a turning gear and it uses?

Tell me about Boiler mountings.

How will you distinguish the right and left-hand teeth or thread by visual inspection?

Why two safety v/vs are fitted on the boiler?

How will you take the propeller drop?

How to check the straightness of a shaft?

What is sounding ?

Difference between sounding and ullage ?

What is setting tank service tank and working of Purifier?

What is life raft ?

Regulation number and annex for OWS ?

Explain the OWS discharge regulation

Procedure for tackling fire in cabin

What is the working of FWG ?

Why vacuum is kept ?

What is temp of boiling water in FWG ?

Explain HRU.

Explain how oil content in OWS discharge is measured ?

What are various types of steering gear system?

Explain Rotary Vane type of steering gear system.

What are the properties of lubricants?

What are the types of compressors?

What’s first angle and third angle method ?

Which method is usually used ?

What’s the size of head for M8 BOLT ?

What is alternator also explain the principle?

Which part of alternator has field winding?

Field winding is on rotor or stator ?

How field of alternator is excited ?

Which is the largest engine?

Specifications of the largest engine (bore, power ) ?

What’s TPI?

What TPI hacksaw will be used to cut metal ?

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Personal Questions for Engine Cadets