Technical Questions for Nautical Cadets

Hi Aspirants, given below are a few probable sets of technical questions of nautical science that you will likely face during your placement interview in various companies.

What is cargo operation?

State rule no. 6 of ROR. (complete rule)

What is ISPS?

What is the mooring station?

What is MARPOL?

What is ECDIS?

What is the purpose of ECDIS?

What is SOLAS?

What is cargo work? Explain.

Name some bridge equipments.

What is the full form of EPIRB? What is it’s use?

How is distress messages sent

What is Fire Triangle?

What is the full form of SART?

What is the function of SART?

What are the different types of fire?

Tell me the extinguishers used for each type of fire.

State Boyle’s law?

State Charle’s law?

State Newton laws of motion.

State Archimedes Principle?

State laws of Flotation.

1 Nautical mile is equal to how many meters?

How do you or which instrument is used to measure the humidity?

Which instrument is used to measure the density of a liquid?

What is amplitude (Navigation)?

How does pressure change with altitude?

What is deviation?

How is deviation caused in ships?

How does TPL changes with different bodies floating in the water?

What is variation?

What will you do in different situation of ROR? For eg( overtaking,head on,crossing,etc)

What are enclosed spaces?

What did you study in seamanship?

Have you ever seen a real ship?

How do you measure dew point?

What happens to the draft when the ship goes from fresh water to salt water?

When was this company started? Name a ship of this company?

What is panting stress? Other types too.

What do you know about anode?

What is Hygrometer?

What do you anticipate while going on a enclosed placed?

What do you understand by 4-2-2 ?

What knot, bends and knitches you have learned? Use of reefer knot?

If two balls of different mass are dropped from the same height, which will fall first, the heavier or the lighter?

Which is heavy 1kg of cotton or iron?

Calculate the approx volume of this room.

Hazards associated with enclosed spaces?

What is the composition of the earth atmosphere?

Principles of flotation?

How does a pressure cooker work?

How do you measure humidity onboard?

What is PPE? Name different types of PPE

Will you work only on a specific type of ship or you can work on any ship?

Purpose of a Wheatstone bridge?

Your first action when you see fire onboard?

What is Man overboard alarm?

What are distress signals?

What do you understand by the term safe speed?

How will you impress your master?

Any recent ship disaster at sea and what do you think is its cause?

What is ROR rule 6?

Tell me rule 3,6,7,8,9,10,13,14 ,15,18 &19

Why do we need you as a cadet in our company?

What are the duties of a third officer on board?

What is MARPOL?

What are the precautions needed for working aloft?

What is FWA, DLSA?

Explain the buoyancy force?

Draw the diagram of stable and unstable equilibrium?

What is the angle of LAV?

Different types of area belongs to GMDSS?

What is Fwat?

What is high-pressure area and low-pressure area?

What is a land fog and a sea fog?

Explain psychrometer?

What is Isobar?

What is displacement? Explain

How many types of ship this company has?

What is deadweight?

What is the difference between deadweight and displacement?

How will you find the altitude of a body by using a sextant?

What is echo sounder?

How does gyro compass work?

How magnetic compass works?

Can we throw garbage on board?

What is block coefficient of a ship?

What is the difference between whirling psychrometer and hygrometer?

Boxing of compass.

Where is p-n junction used especially on tankers?

Explain echo sounder.

Which is your favorite Rule?

Explain barometer?

How to reduce the FSE on tanker ships if no longitudinal bulkhead is provided?

What all you learned in ship construction and meteorology?

What is terrestrial navigation?

What is GPS?

What is watchkeeping?

What is the difference between applied mathematics and mathematics?

How does a propeller work? Types of propeller?

What is an Equinoctial?

What is freshwater allowance?

What is variation and deviation ?

What is RADAR?

Tell about whirling psychrometer ?

Tell about Anemometer?

Tell me about Hygrometer?

What do you want to do after you become a captain?

How often do you plot DR on a chart?

How many feets in 20 fathoms?

What is not present on a life boat- rocket flare, smoke signal, LTA, parachute?

What is the international date line?

Bravo flag is used for?

IMDG full form?

Classes of IMDG?

Names of oceans?

What is time zone? How does time zone change?

Rule 19?

What is underway, making way (rule 3)?

What is the latest amendment of MARPOL?

What are the minimum rest hours of seafarer according to ILO( International labor organization)?

What is ILO?

What is MARPOL Annex 3?

What garbage under annex 3?

What light will the vessel show when making way and drifting?

Flag G, H is used for?

What is equinoctial?

What do you know about Diversity?

Tell us about ‘diversity inclusion’?

Use of ballast tanks?

Rule 5,6,21,3,2,7?

Duties of OOW before taking over the watch?

Duties of OOW during fire onboard?

Explain Williamson’s turn.

MARPOL regulation of Ballasting and De-ballasting?

Basics of MARPOL?

Explain the bunkering procedure in a tanker.

What are the classes of Fire?

Examples of safety precautions in day to day life.

Why should safety be the up-most priority?

Leadership qualities and how will you lead a group based on every person’s difference in strengths and weakness ?

Your strengths and weakness?

Where do you see yourself in next 10 years?( 10yrs includes your leftover time in tmi also)

What are the checks before donning SCBA ?

Tell me about Flooding ( Anchors after)

What is HRU?

What are the actions to be taken when Man overboard ?

What are the actions to be taken when fire in engine room?

What are the fixed fire fighting systems onboard?

What are the difference between high expansion and low expansion foam?

If we don’t take you then what will be your future action?

If your friends and colleagues are sailing as a captain but you are sailing as chief officer and Further not being promoted solely due to the company, what will be your action.

What do you mean by the term ‘’vessel’’ restricted in her ability to maneuver?

What is underway?

What are the lights exhibited by pilot vessel?

State rule 5,6,14,19.

What is the flag for man overboard?

What PPE is to be donned while doing painting?

What is inert gas system?

Draw the diagram of PV value

What do you understand by IMSAR?

What is Anderson turn?

What actions to be taken in case of grounding?

Which flag will you host for I require a pilot?

Which flag will you host for I have a pilot onboard?

What are Mercator Charts?

What is compass error?

What is variation, DR, ER?

What is the degree between two points in the compass?

What is FWA and displacement?

What is dead weight and how it differs from displacement?

What is backing and veering?

What are the uses of Hygrometer?

Instruments to measure atmospheric pressure? And tell me the principle of it?

What is the sound signal for-

Vessel in doubt

Astern propulsion

Alter course to port

Power driven vessel when making way in restricted visibility


Lights and shapes for CBU?

What is the duration of a prolonged blast?

Lights and shapes of NUC vessel and when making way?

What is the difference between making way and underway?

What is meta-center?

What is righting gear and what does it do?

What is ballast?

What happens when GM is negative?

What is the difference between positive GM and negative GM?

What kind of vessels have small GM and large GM?

Which will be more stable – bulk carrier or a container?

What is righting moment?

If you’re standing and felt an easterly wind but you see above and see the clouds going

from west to east. What is happening and explain the situation?

You saw a fire in the room what will you do? Tell your action stepwise.

List the navigational equipments on the bridge?

What is the angle of loll?

What are the fire fighting appliances available onboard?

What do you think makes a team successful?

What are the different types of nozzles?

How do you know, how much cargo is loaded onboard?

How will you keep an effective lookout on the bridge?

How do you know whether the risk of collision exists or not?

What is the average atm pressure?

How do you conduct the vessel in restricted visibility?

Tell me the principle of RADAR equipment.

How do you know that a vessel is overtaking?

Tell me the light exhibited by NUC vessel?

If an overtaking vessel after some time, comes abeam of the other vessel being overtaken? Will it be a same case/ scenario. Justify your answer.

Describe Mast Headlight and Stern lights?

Difference between making way and underway?

What is the atomic mass if there are 6 protons 6 electrons and 6 neutrons?

What does PAN PAN PAN signify?

Elements of the same atomic mass, What are they called?

What will you apply to convert true course to the magnetic course?

If you are a stand by vessel and the give-way vessel is not taking any action then what sound signal will you sound?

In a 6×12 two-inch wire rope, How many strands are there?

What do you call the term where the sun is at max declination?

Height and distance of a ladder given, find the angle of elevation.

At parameter does vapor pressure increase?

What is wind direction near the surface of the earth?

How will you convert zone time to GMT?

In the IALA Buoy system, what does this signifies?

In which annex does air pollution from ships come under?

Which stopper is used on wire ropes?

What does an EPIRB does not sent? Ans: draft

What does SART show when detected by RADAR?

Lifeboat markings

At what parameter does wind speed increase?

What factors do you remove while extinguishing a gas fire: starvation, inhibition, cooling, soothing.

How is the height of tide measured?

A great circle passing through 173⁰ E, at which longitude will it cut in the opposite?

At 35℃ a tank is filled with an ullage of 4.56m, so what is the ullage if we heat it to 95℃?

If we apply wind and current to a fixed position, what will we get?

Tell me the features of the PANAMA CANAL & SUEZ CANAL.

Tell me: the largest port, the oldest port, the busiest port, 5 major ports, major sea routes, smallest island, biggest island.

These questions are very basic and straightforward questions which the interviewer expects from you. So, Future officers start preparing and remember if you treat an interview like your first date, it will feel like one. Just be yourself and let your personality shine.

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Personal Questions for Nautical Cadets